Diet Challenge

Hi, everyone!

It has been a while since the last post. My life was rough. I hadn't proper sleep and ate. That probably cause the fatigue in me. I don't know, it just my thought. Since then, I decided today; I wanted to diet to lose my weight a bit for this month. I tried this before, but it wasn't consistent. 

Today, I want to restart my diet with a challenge so that I can track my activities daily. Here, I will post what I'm going to do and what I'm going to eat every day. I will use the Atkins technique which I need to cut my carbs and sugar intake along this diet routine.

So, yeah! I also going to be telling you what I feel during the process during the day to days. So, finger cross! I'll do my best. Let me test this method for a week for the trial.

Current weight is: 87.8 kg
My target of weight: 80 kg

This is the current me.
So, I will upload the result as the picture as well. Stay strong everyone! Bye. Until next time.
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