Diet Challenge: Day 3

Don't judge guys. XD

Alright! everyone. How's it going? Hopefully, it is a beautiful day. So, today the day two of my diet challenge. I felt better than yesterday. I felt more energetic since I did some of the exercises this day. It is feeling different because I never felt so much fab in a year. I did plank; some push-up, and some of the other cardio exercises. It was tiring but fun.

Well, for the meals of the day:


  • 2 eggs (hard boiled) 
  • A cup of green tea.
Surprisingly today, I never felt so hungry. Probably my body already get used to it. I hope so!


  • 1 fish (steamed Asian-style)
  • 1/2 cup of broccoli (fried in butter)
  • A cup of green tea.


  • 2 pieces of chicken (baked in the oven)
  • 1 cup of spinach
  • A cup of green tea.

This day was awesome. I hope I will stay motivated and be the best person of I am. How about you guys? What motivated you? Please tell me in the comment section. Alrighty then see you.
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  1. What motivate me is; my self hahaha idk it keeps changing

  2. The need of calories for every person depends on the different factors such as activity level, age and weight. However, in general a dieting man need about 1,700 to 2,000 calories per day and a dieting woman need about 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day to support basic functions of the body.biomedx hcg activator tablets
