Diet Challenge: Day 2

Well said! (credit to QuoteAddict)

Well, hello there! How's it going? Good? It's day 2 of the diet challenge. For the day two, I haven't exercised too much since I have a load of works to do. I spent my time in front of my PC screen this day. However, I did the plank each before the main meals time. So let's check out what I had on the day two.


  • 2 hard boiled eggs (I'm not a fan of half boiled egg)
  • Green tea.

For the snack, I took 2 sticks of celery. Well, the taste isn't that bad but, I never ate the celery raw.


  • 2 pieces of chicken (baked in the oven)
  • Broccoli (fried in small amount of butter)
  • Green Tea


  • 1 fish (steam with ginger and lemon grass)
  • Spinach (cooked as soup)
  • Green Tea

So, that was what I ate for the day two. On the day two, I started to feel hungry before the meals time. However, I did it and took some healthy snacks. I kept avoiding to look something that enhances my craving such as dessert and some fancy food. I kept motivated by reading the healthy articles, success story, etc. Well, that's it for today's diet post. See you! 

 Be well, always positive!
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