
The Gameplay


Hi. Thank you for reading this posting. I really need feedback on the game that I created. It's named Ebang Runner. Basicaly, the character needs to collect the food on the game and avoid some obstacles.

Please ensure that you have Android device to play this game. I will publish it on iOS as well after I polish the gameplay and the game mechanics. I hope you enjoy and please leave the feedback on the comment section or you can directly email me okay?

I promise I will write about this game on the other posting. Cheers!

Download the game:

Weh! Aku ada satu throwback ni nak buat. Ini filem pendek aku dengan kawan-kawan aku buat. Ini kitorang buat pada tahun 2013. Semua yang terjadi dalam filem pendek ni spontan je tau. Sebab kawan-kawan aku ni memang talented sebenarnya.

Lokasi yang kitorang pergi ni ialah Tasik Proton City, Tanjung Malim, Perak. Maklumlah kami ni dulu mahasiswa Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). Mula-mula kitorang nak buat cerita seorang jejaka yang curang ke atas pasangan kekasihnya, tapi tiba-tiba banyak pulak idea datang. Ihsan idea kawan-kawan aku jugak.

Plot dia korang kene la tengok sendiri. Pergi YouTube channel aku dan subscribe tau haha. Tapi kalau korang seorang yang agak malas, aku siap-siap tampal kat sini aje.

Untuk kesempatan ni, aku nak ucap sikit setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih pada kawan-kawan aku yang menjayakan filem pendek ni. Dulu dengan harapan boleh lah kitorang punya short filem merapu ni diterima dan trending. Tapi sekarang ni aku rasa kenangan bersama diorang macam ni dah cukup berharga.

Korang layan short filem kat bawah ni ok? 

Yang Benar,
Syukran Neji.

The Logo

The header

Hi readers! Well, on this posting I will get you into this interesting logo that I have designed previously.

I took the task because I thought the idea behind this logo was brilliant! The client wants me to create something simple (apparently most of the clients do), and gives it a traditional touch. They wanted to create a food product base on the traditional recipe. So, they needed me to make it happen.

They were the easiest client I ever worked. I am happy because I can express anything on the design of course guided by what they wanted. Since they produce food base on chilli, I create chillies vector to make it looks spicy ensure people know it's sambal product. For the fonts, I make them looks like a hand writting so that it feels traditional. Lastly, I embeded a spices from a free photo stocks.

This design is done in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

Ok korang. Seperti yang korang nampak kat gambar kat atas tu, aku tengah buat maintenance kat website aku ni. Sejak trafik yang agak banyak masuk ke website ni, aku kene upgrade server hosting dan macam-macam lagilah. Haa so korang boleh tunggu dalam beberapa hari lagi website ni akan siap ok. Sorry tau.

P/S: Syukran Neji akan memuatkan perkara-perkara baru dalam website ni yang lebih bermanfaat kepada pembaca semua. Sebagai contoh tutorial ringkas untuk game design, graphic design dan sebagainya yang korang boleh belajar. Jadi sama-sama kita belajar ok! Tunggu tau. Sementara tu boleh bagitau kawan- korang jugak! 

Yang benar,
Syukran Neji.

"Usaha dan kesungguhan merupakan kunci untuk berjaya."

Salam semua.

Maaflah sebab dah lama tak update post kat sini. Maklumlah sekarang ni sibuk dengan kerja dan perkara-perkara lain lagi. Apa-apa pun saya rasa masih tak terlambat nak ucapkan selamat menyambut bulan Ramadan dan selamat berpuasa!

Baik, erm sejak kebelakangan ni ramai yang mesej dan email saya tentang Diploma Reka Bentuk dan Pembangunan Permainan di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Pelbagai soalan diajukan terutamanya berbaloi ke kalau ambil kursus ni? Jawapannya sangat subjektif dan bukannya seperti boolean ada true and false. hehe..

Ok, saya berikan pandangan dari perspektif saya. Saya merupakan alumni UPSI dalam bidang diploma game design and development ni. Saya akan cuba sebaik mungkin untuk membantu korang dalam membuat pilihan dengan pengalaman saya.

Pertama sekali, tahap berbaloi tu sebenarnya terletak pada diri sendiri. Cuba tanya diri sendiri kenapa nak ambil kursus ini? Nak sambung belajar? Nak dapatkan kerja yang menjamin masa depan? Lihat, peryataan seperti ini tak ada betul atau salah. Korang semua mestilah tetapkan matlamat dalam mendapatkan keputusan. Sebenarnya, ramai yang ambil remeh tentang dalam menetapkan matlamat. Matlamat inilah yang membantu kita fokus dan terus mendapatkan apa yang betul-betul kita ingin kan. Jadi tetapkan matlamat anda. Ok?

Kedua, tanya pada diri apa minat korang? Apa yang korang suka lakukan? Apa yang korang mahu? Cuba tanya diri dengan soalan apa, kenapa, bagaimana. Ini perkara-perkara asas yang korang belajar kat sekolah dulukan? Macam nak struktur karangan. Cikgu ajar tu bukan saja-saja tau. Boleh pakai untuk perkara-perkara macam ni. Tanya diri minat atau tidak?

Seterusnya, ada juga yang berkata ibu bapa mereka tidak memberi galakkan atau dorongan untuk menceburi bidang ini kerana digambarkan kursus ini satu kursus yang sia-sia dan tiada masa depan. Baik, terima kasih kepada ibu bapa yang berfikiran seperti ini. Dengan hormat saya menyangkal pernyataan tersebut kerana saya berpendapat bahawa kursus ini adalah kursus yang memberi manfaat. Games masakini bukan hanya hiburan semata-mata. Malah, sekarang telah ada pembelajaran dalam bentuk video games, video games islamik dan sebagainya. Ya, saya setuju dengan pernyataan masih kurang. Sebab ini kita perlukan lebih ramai lepasan pelajar dalam kursus ini. 

Kesimpulannya, usaha dan kesungguhan merupakan kunci untuk berjaya. Sentiasa istiqamah dan terus belajar. Tidak kira apa bidang yang korang nak ceburi, korang mestilah fokus barulah berjaya. Ingat, kehidupan kita ini kita sendiri yang mencoraknya. Orang yang berkata-kata diluar hanyalah memberi dorongan dan nasihat. Mereka tidak boleh mengubah atau mengawal tindak tanduk korang. Kalau anda yakin anda boleh untuk masuk kos ini teruskan. Buktikan kepada mereka yang korang akan berjaya dengan kursus ini. Saya doakan korang semoga maju jaya.

Assalamualaikum and Good day!

Lately, I have been less productive to be honest. I know it’s not a good point to start. But you know, I need to scratch on something or I will remain the same. Of course, I want better than this. I wish I can do better. I should learn from the past mistakes. I don’t want to use the quote “people do mistakes”, since I know most of the people knows it. I don’t say it’s wrong though. I just thougth that is the point of the weaker to make an excuse. For me, the strong people are keep pushing their limit to the best they can. Mistakes will happen along the journey. But, those who are realise, they will learn from it; and those who aren’t will looping in it. You know what I meant. 

On this new year (Muharram), I wish I active be active (more productive) and willing to push my limit. I hope for the bless of Allah in everything I do. I can’t be same. I am an adult now. Back then, I never confessed that I was an adult because I was very comfortable with the environment. I never thougth I needed to let go the old globe (life). Start from now on, I have to think about pursuing myself to be better and stable on any sides. I need to work harder. Firm on my works. I read and heard so many people has succeed; and my mother always tell me “If they can, why not us?”. It makes me to think, it all starts from us. From our action. If we sit for nothing, don’t expect food will come to you. You should get the methaphore there. 

The most important thing now is stop being childish (sometimes doesn’t matter). I need to know how to coach my own life. Probably, I need to start fixing my spiritual/religious life. I have to fix my relationship with Allah since I think I have been lost for so long. I have to turn back to Him. May He helps me along the journey. InshaAllah. Besides, I need the supports from family, friends and may people out there. Thank you, for those who are willing to help. 

Some will say ‘tldr’ (to long didn’t read), but for me this writing didn’t mean for people to read. I absolutely didn’t expect people to read it at all. I said earlier I need to scratch to something right? However, if there is anyone who read it and get inspiration from it, I am very glad. We have to be strong together then. 

Love yourself, your family and your friends because without them this world is a total darkness. 

Kind regards, Syukran Wahab.
Full sail ahead to the future.
It is the usual day. It just the same routines as I do. I woke up, prepared the breakfast and go on with the life then after. But, now I'm home back in Malaysia. The routines are different and not like I used to back in the UK. Malaysia is, of course, warmer than the UK weather.

I left Malaysia almost about 2 years and stayed in the UK for study. I can feel the differences since I left and I don't know how to react to this situation. I don't know it is sad, happy, etc. It just mixed together and hard to pick one.

The most changes I can see are the environment, people, and the thinking. I don't know. I just feel. You imagine what if I away longer there. There must be lots of changes happened. Probably.
I love to talk about the environment. There are so many changes and improvement in Malaysia like the public transport, particularly at Kuala Lumpur since there's the busy public transport there. I think the new rail called MRT and I don't know what it stands for LOL. The internet connection in Malaysia is improving as well. While I came back to Malaysia, I think the connection has been enhanced since I tried the new telco Umobile and it is splendid. The plan provided is affordable and the data included is relevant. I hope in the short period, it will improve more from time to time.

Then the people. Yes, of course, people always change. Probably, I wasn't ready for the changes. But now I realise there's nothing important than believing yourself. I'm not saying the others such as friends and families aren't important, but I think you need to put the trust on yourself first since the others never stay. Now I realise. I can see since I came back the way people think, talk, react and even look are different. I don't know, probably since I left, I just thought they will be the same. I was wrong. It just different, I can feel it. But, they look just the same, but it is not like I used to.

Then I learnt something from this. I have to let go of the old thing. I need to keep move on without any burden and quickly achieving the future. All the past are the memories you've created, and so many things happened including the happy and sad moments.

So, just let go.

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